
How bad things have gotten...

There are many times I want to blame ''the mistake in the White House'' for our current situation. Then I think more and it becomes ''You know what? I'm glad he beat McAmensty'', not because he won, but because he kept a WORSE man out. When he was 'on the campain trail' he was infuriated when someone shouted ''BUILD THE FENCE!!!'' and he exasperatingly replied ''I'll build that god-damned fence if that's what you want!'' Then he does this:


Posted by: YIH at 10:07 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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One of the reasons I stopped blogging on my previous blog was the feeling that all I could do was write ''me too'' posts. And unfortunately that's what this will be. But in this case there is nothing I can do about it. Every blog in my blogroll plus the Drudge Report is practically screaming about these 'flash mobs' of blacks on the rampage all over the US.

I'm actually dreading the 5th of July and the day after Labor Day as to what I will see. More of the same; consternation over media silence and disgusting reports of further rampages. Hover your mouse over the photos in this post on Unamusement Park. Yes, I do know how he does that.

Posted by: YIH at 07:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 392 words, total size 4 kb.


Random thoughts 6/27/11

Over at VA's again, this time it was how ''Christianity'' is warped into ''we must help the downtrodden of the turd whirled'' as in forever. In the comments I saw this from commenter ''cabbageroll''; Christian porn. The url itself was 'naked' (but not enough of it visible to determine what it was) but I clicked on it anyway.

It was the all too typical ''feed the starving africans'' crap. But without the bloated Sally Struthers:
How often have you seen those ads (and yes, guess what? They are paid ads) on TV that show the stereotypical 'starving african' that as VA so well put it, we have to keep digging them wells, over and over again?

Posted by: YIH at 01:28 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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More Random Thoughts 6/25/11

Time to ''come out of the closet'' I'm a 'Yankee'. Here is where I was born:


Posted by: YIH at 02:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Random thoughts 6/24/11

I'm glad to see I have visitors! That's why I put that thing in! (H/T Rick Darby)

This kinda gives me the creeps, Ron Paul and Barney Frank will introduce a bill in the House to end the Federal criminalization of pot. Howzat for an ''odd couple''? My friend VA once said ''But Ron Paul is not that kind of libertarian''
She didn't want to believe that. I greatly respect Vox Day and while he has realized ''free trade'' is anything but, and that race exists, AND IS IMPORTANT, but I'm not sure if he gets all of the ramifications of ''drug legalization''.
When you drive (in the US and elsewhere)

Posted by: YIH at 12:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 114 words, total size 1 kb.


Well since I seem to be back...

A recent post by VA was 'On blogging'; it was about a commenter on 'Stuff Black People Don't Like' who notes on the now banhammering of a long time 'troll':

We have failed in doing this. Someone named ''Desiree'' has been a great nuisance here for too long, driving away readers with her diatribes that make virtually no sense. She created a persona called "Professor Snape" and has recently been posting under the names "Jones," "Dree," and "Dreko."
For those playing along at home, that is the 'classic'(?) definition of the term 'sockpuppet'. That was an easy call; Nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.
And that's what he (this time I know for sure) did.

Posted by: YIH at 02:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 737 words, total size 7 kb.

Random thoughts 6/23/11...

I'm back I guess. I've been thinking and posting comments over at VA's blog, and finally decided to dust this sucker off and start posting again.

Most of my reading lately has been there and at Vox Populi and this post over there caught my eye: Mailvox: in defense of Ann Coulter. I'm no fan of Coulter, to me she comes off as the 'right-wing' version of Howard Stern: Tacky and tends to go mainly for shock value. And to me she looks like a hooker that isn't aging well (as if any hooker does).
The email Vox posted (yes, I know his real name. I prefer to use his pseudonym - it's shorter) was in 'response' to his latest WND column: In defense of libertarians

Posted by: YIH at 01:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 610 words, total size 5 kb.


On cutting 'entitlements'

And I most certainly am. What I've seen so far, they need not only our prayers they also need any and all help we can provide them.
When it comes to 'foreign aid'


Posted by: YIH at 09:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 231 words, total size 2 kb.


An interesting question...

Randall Parker just posted ''Protestantized Muslims Still Rare In America?''. And my reply is simply: ''Are there ANY?''.
As far as I can tell, islam is ''You is (muslim) or you ain't''. To muslims, it's either-or, if you are not part of MY version of islam (shia or sunni) you are not even a human being!
YEAH, that's how muslims think.
I was discussing this with a late friend of mine about a convenience store that would not allow a blind man to enter because he had a 'seeing-eye' dog with him.
I looked it up, Specifically illegal under both state (FL) AND Federal law.
It would be like telling my late friend ''You can't come in here because you're in a wheelchair''. WRONG.
More later...

Many think the 1st Amendment is an absolute.

Posted by: YIH at 09:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 137 words, total size 1 kb.


Cat spanking...

Posted by: YIH at 11:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 2 words, total size 1 kb.

Just because it's awesome...

Posted by: YIH at 03:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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My new 'tracker' is working...

Quezon City? Looks like SE Asia. But welcome. I'm near NASA myself, looking forward to watching the Challenger launch.
UPDATE: Bummer, where the Shuttle launched, picture-perfect, NASA promo video material. Me? Nothing but cloudy (*&^%$#@!!!
UPDATE II: Bummer II: No hits from Oz so far. But I'm getting one from Lincolnton NC!

Posted by: YIH at 01:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

I don't like ''censorware''...

How did I get it? A used computer, with a former owner that won't give me the password to uninstall it.
I can somewhat figure out my way around it (that's how I got the cat pic to display as intended). What ticks me off is I shouldn't have to!
Here's an example of what pisses me off:

The site you tried to visit belongs to a category that your computer is set to block.
fficial&prmd=ivnsu&source=lnms&tbs=isch:1&ei=6-llTbT6GsiCtgfA27mXDQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CBMQ_AUoAQ&biw=928&bih=620">http://www.google.com/images?q=moammar+gadhafi&hl=en&safe=active&cl... is blocked because it is currently categorized as:
Open Image / Media Search
Sites with image or video searches which return graphical results (i.e. thumbnail pictures) that include potentially pornographic content along with non-pornographic content (as defined in our pornography category). Sites that explicitly exclude offensive content are not included in this category.
Search Engines / Portals
Say what you want about Muumuumar Queerdaffy (Hey,everyone else has come up with 'an English spelling' of it's name, why don't I?)
That +_)(*&^$#@! BLOCKS GOOGLE!!! That makes it malware as far as I'm concerned.
I know, ''what, what, you can't Nuke It From Orbit?''. I can, it would mean kissing Windows goodbye and going Linux.

Posted by: YIH at 12:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 252 words, total size 2 kb.


Thoughts for the day...

Over at VA's blog she mentioned that (cue sinister music) The Government is rummaging around in so-called 'social messaging' sites.
Well considering that this is an antisocial messaging site I thought I'd chime in with my 2 cents worth.
Her post is: 'Fake people' on social networks? And it doesn't surprise me one bit. Are there 'Fake people' on the 'net? Yup, and I am one. YIH is not my name or initials, its the acronym for the name of this (and my old) blog.
I avoid my real name online like the plague. Nor does it surprise me that the Government is rummaging around in 'social networks' (for anyone's flunky that reads this 'bookmark' this, OK?).
About five years ago I began reading about employers visiting such 'social networks' to dig up info on potential/current employees (and often finding stuff that many would find disturbing such as their sex or drug habits) and making use of that info.
It's why when I began blogging all I said was ''Yeah, I have a job'' and nothing else. I didn't want to go into my boss's office and being handed something printed out and being told ''OK, dude, explain this...''. I can truthfully answer: ''How do you know that's me?'' and ''How do you even know this is about you/this company?'' then say ''Is there anything else? Then have a nice day'' and go about my business. Same with the Gov.
As I and VA know, you don't want what you write coming back to haunt you.
OTOH, If someone 'breaks' their pseudonym (reveals it on their own) that's different. Such as Chris Roach, Vox Day or Sam Clemons/Mark Twain. Otherwise the real name is 'off limits' and rightly so.
BTW, I'm not a twit or have any interest in Farcebook. I tried Cryspace and quickly lost interest in it. As apparently everyone else did.
I am a bit paranoid, but I understand tech as well. Can you 'trace' me? Sure, and you can as well! Or at least where your ISP is. See that globe over there? That's where your ISP is. I found it over at Rick Darby's blog and thought ''Hey, that is cool! Wonder if I can put that here?''. The answer as you can see is yes.
I might do a form of 'social networking' here in fact. It won't be Farcebook and you won't have to be a twit. But it'll kinda work like the twits (short messages). I not promising anything, but I'm considering it.
Clicky for

Posted by: YIH at 11:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 620 words, total size 4 kb.


Stop me before I blog again...

An unserious title to a (sorta) serious post. It's about US citizenship. I am, can prove it, no doubt whatsoever. In fact had to, a year ago.
You'll have to take my word on this, because I DESPISE exposing my real name online.
And I'm not about to do it now. So there are details that will remain vague.
But I am a US citizen, by birth, by parents who were also born here. In one of the original 13 colonies no less.
When I speak, I have what is usually considered 'no accent', I can't be identified where I'm from by how I speak. I have a friend who is British, very much so, and sounds like it. To her, Monty Python sounds quite normal (and funny). She is also a US citizen, she got it 'the hard way' she earned it.
She's held elected office here (Mayor in fact) and I would vote for her for President. If she could, but she can't. It's the only office she can't hold.
BTW, she has no problem driving here, doesn't mind that the steering wheel 'is on the wrong side' of the car or that 'we drive on the wrong side of the road'. It would be awkward for me, if I drove in Britain it would be a very unnatural experience.
And yes, she also hates 'press 1 for English' and she is fluent in Spanish no less!
So I do indeed understand all the issues surrounding Barry Soetoro (Prez. Obama) and why the Birth Certificate is important.
But what really ticks me off is why neither 'the birthers' or the Governor of HI nor The White House has been able to settle the issue once and for all!!!
According to the US Constitution I'm 100% qualified!
I can say ''here it is, my Birth Certificate, from the County I was born in, in the State I was born in. I know where that office is, and can even retrieve it in person if necessary!!!'' And to me that would settle the issue. And it would in any US Court of Law as well. I wouldn't even have to bother hiring an attorney. I would with pride present it myself to the Judge.
And yet the doubts remain. And why they are important.
Unlike The Wall Street Journal and neocons I'm fully aware there cannot be an 'American empire'. It can't work, the British pretty much proved that, and so did the Soviets. Ironically the proof is Afghanistan. They tried and failed, and we are trying. And we will also fail.
We CAN'T 'teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony'.
I know how to play Chess, I learned how as a little boy. I dislike the game, but I've never been taught it is forbidden.
For the past TEN years I doubt I could (assuming this was even possible) walk in to The Oval Office, set up a chessboard on The White House desk, and calmly challenge the President of The United States to a game of Chess.
Neither the previous President nor the current one could even touch a Chess piece without dishonoring their religion.
I already know what you are about to say, ''But, but, Christianity does not forbid the playing of Chess!''. And you would be correct, the Bible does not even mention the game.
The koran does. And it's followers ARE FORBIDDEN from playing it.
They consider it 'Haram', unacceptable, forbidden.

Posted by: YIH at 03:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 583 words, total size 3 kb.


''Un-breaking the glass''...

I recently read this on Gates of Vienna. It's of a young woman who was 'coerced' into 'marrying' a moslim man. It was an 'unofficial' marriage (No marriage licence) but the woman says:
“He will never let me go. And as a wife I don’t have the right to divorce him. He has that right. If it doesn’t suit him I can’t do anything at all,” says M.
From reading the article I can't help but feel sorry for her. It's a horror story, but it should also be required reading for any young (non-moslim) considering a relationship with a moslim man.
The reason for the title of this post is my take on this situation. When I was in my 20's (back when Reagan was President) tattoos began to be popular again. My Grandfather had a 'hula girl' he got during WWII. He died at age 92 bearing that 'hula girl'.
So every time I thought of (as it is referred to today) 'getting ink done' it became ''maybe it's cool NOW but in the future?'' watch this video:

It has been said ''in comedy there is truth'' as noted in the skit, even if the tattoo is gone there is evidence it once existed. It cannot truly be erased.
The bottom line is she chose islam, she put on the HIJAB, she reverted to islam (according to islamic teaching EVERYONE is born a moslim, they were 'raised wrong' by their non-moslim parents). SHE ''got the islam tattoo''.
There ''is no way back'' for her. She read out the language of Lucifer (''allah'') she chose not to know what she was saying, she REFUSED TO READ THE CONTRACT!
If I break a glass, I MIGHT be able to glue it back together. But it will NEVER be 'unbroken', I don't have pierced ears; they can NEVER be un-pierced.
She's ''claiming victim'' even though she ADMITS the marriage is not recognized by law.''Un-breaking the glass''...
It was an 'unofficial' marriage (No marriage licence) but the woman says:
“He will never let me go. And as a wife I don’t have the right to divorce him. He has that

right. If it doesn’t suit him I can’t do anything at all,” says M.
From reading the article I can't help but feel sorry for her. It's a horror story, but it should

also be required reading for any young (non-moslim) considering a relationship with a moslim

The reason for the title of this post is my take on this situation. When I was in my 20's (back

when Reagan was President) tattoos began to be popular again. My Grandfather had a 'hula girl'

he got during WWII. He died at age 92 bearing that 'hula girl'.
So every time I thought of (as it is referred to today) 'getting ink done' it became ''maybe

it's cool NOW but in the future?'' watch this video:
It has been said ''in comedy there is truth'' as noted in the skit, even if the tattoo is gone

there is evidence it once existed. It cannot truly be erased.
The bottom line is she chose islam, she put on the HIJAB, she reverted to islam (according to

islamic teaching EVERYONE is born a moslim, they were 'raised wrong' by their non-moslim parents). SHE ''got the islam tattoo''.
There ''is no way back'' for her. She read out the language of Lucifer (''allah'') she chose not to know what she was saying, she REFUSED TO READ THE CONTRACT!
If I break a glass, I MIGHT be able to glue it back together. But it will NEVER be 'unbroken', I

don't have pierced ears; they can NEVER be un-pierced.
She's ''claiming victim'' even though she ADMITS the marriage is not recognized by law.

Posted by: YIH at 01:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 631 words, total size 4 kb.


On Libertarianism and Ayn Rand...

Over at VA's blog I began to reply to a question. And it wound up growing into a post of it's own:
'New Zealander': ''Is it true Rand was Jewish and no lover of Jesus Christ?''
Yup. Jewish by ethnicity, HARDCORE atheist by belief system. I've only read Atlas Shrugged and in it she doesn't have a nice word to say about faith in general and Christianity in particular. From Wikipedia:

As an atheist who rejected faith as antithetical to reason, Rand embraced philosophical realism and opposed all forms of what she regarded as mysticism and supernaturalism, including every organized religion.[96] Rand wrote in her journals that Christianity was "the best kindergarten of communism possible."
It would have been interesting to have witnessed a debate between Vox Day (who describes himself as a 'Christian Libertarian') and Ayn Rand considering his low opinion of obnoxious atheists such as Richard Dawkins. In fact he wrote a book titled The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens .Her stance on moral values is also clear, also From Wikipedia:
During these speeches and Q&A sessions, she often took controversial stances on political and social issues of the day. These included supporting abortion rights, opposing the Vietnam War and the military draft (but condemning draft dodgers as "bums"), supporting Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 as "civilized men fighting savages", saying European colonists had the right to take land from American Indians,[YIH: that's debateable] and calling homosexuality "immoral" and "disgusting", while also advocating the repeal of all laws against homosexuality.
The ending of Atlas Shrugged can only be described as utopian, literally a libertarian paradise.
Part 2 of this post is below the jump.

Posted by: YIH at 03:28 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 875 words, total size 6 kb.


Egypt, et al...

At various times in the past I was very concerned about the possibility of large numbers of ''Iraqi (and Afghani) refugees'' fleeing to the US and Europe. I suspect there was a quiet policy to 'localize' those fleeing those hellholes.
In the case of Iraq, those 'refugees' would be coming to the West with a (not unjustified) chip on their shoulders. And that would have put the lie to both ''we are making a better life for them'' and ''we are fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here''. So Iraqis that fled had to go to Syria, Jordan and to a lesser extent Iran.
In the case of Afghanistan the reason was much more plain. In a word, dope. Really, what is the only thing Afghanistan produces? Narcotics. And Europe has more than enough trouble in that regard (as does the US). Afghanistan is a rotten, corrupt, dope-growing, illiterate (in any language) tribal anarchy. I know that there are many that don't particularly like this guy, but this is an important read (and I tend to dislike .pdf files).
Any ''refugees'' from Afghanistan would only be more welfare basket cases or in the narcotics trade or both.
And that is where Egypt comes in, because no matter how this current mess shakes out there will likely be a substantial number of refugees. And like Mr. Darby and Mr. Roach, I have little reason to be optimistic about the future there. And if the Egyptians thought times were tough before, things will get worse. Kiss tourism goodbye for quite some time, all they have left is cotton exports. I've never seen why 'Egyptian cotton' is supposedly so great, but SWPL's consider it premium. To me cotton is cotton, it's either fabric, white balls of fluff or cooking oil. I'd just as soon it was grown in the US as anywhere else.
Though I suspect the Camp David accords that resulted in a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel is likely toast. And for both sides if they want us to broker a new peace deal with them, fine. But otherwise, let the two nations sort their own issues out. And no more money for either one of them. Tell 'em we're broke, it's the truth.

UPDATE: Vox Day has also added his two cents worth:

"However, this excitement is every bit as ill-conceived as the neoconservative adventures that brought democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan. And seeing that Egypt lacks a military occupying force, it is unlikely that the establishment of a democratic government in Cairo will end as well as the foundation of the corrupt puppet regimes in Baghdad and Kabul have to date."
Read the whole thing here (or part of it here).
BTW, Yes, that link in his blogroll is to my old blog. The odds of getting him to update it are pretty slim. It's rare when he does...

Posted by: YIH at 03:11 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 490 words, total size 5 kb.


BTW my friend...

As soon as I can figure out how to change the 'blogroll' here, you WILL be the first!!! I promise.

Posted by: YIH at 03:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 23 words, total size 1 kb.

A ''birther''? Well I didn't USED to be one...

As the title suggests, I had my doubts about the whole ''birther'' issue. I thought ''Hmm, if Hillary and then McCain didn't go there, that suggests there is reason to believe 'the smoking gun' doesn't exist''. After all, if they could have used the ''ineligible to be President'' claim against him, why the hell didn't they? In the case of Hillary, I can believe it was 'horse trading' (Obama: Hillary, what can I do to get you out of my way to the White House? Hillary: Secretary of State. Obama: If I win, it's yours! Hillary: Deal.)
But that doesn't explain McCain. Other than to say he didn't have the guts 'to go there'. I didn't think any of them were fit to be Prez, (that includes both Palin and Biden) but then again, by that point I thought: ''Bush will wind up as being the GOP's Jimmy Carter''.
That said, I don't hold any ill will towards Gov. Abercrombie, I'm thinking Occam's Razor here; He figured ''I'm thee  Gov. of Hawaii, if anyone can put this issue to rest, I can and should!'' (The birthplace of a President; THERE IS 'BRAGGING RIGHTS' THERE!!!).
Not only did he not 'settle the issue' he brought it back to the forefront!
If he could not obtain Obama's OFFICIAL Birth Certificate, it may well not exist!
I've recently had to go through the whole 'Obtain your Birth Certificate' thing (I needed to renew my ID). It cost me $65us, but the questions to get it were quite straightforward:

  • Mom's full 'maiden' name.
  • Dad's full name.
  • Where I was born.
  • And when.
  • What State.
  • What County in that State.
And that is what it took me to get a Certified Copy of MY Birth Certificate!!!
And BTW, I obtained it and paid for it 'online'!
It was shipped to me UPS, ppd. in 10 days.
It's 'Public Record'; I CAN'T BELIEVE the Gov. of HI can't get the BC for President Obama!

Posted by: YIH at 03:11 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 331 words, total size 2 kb.

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